All Austrian Health Insurance Funds & Private
Syeda | Gregor | Kowatschitsch | Al Bahloul
Sopira | Pakzad | Promintzer-Schifferl
Specialists for Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Diabetology and Hepatology
Further doctors
Dr. med. univ. David Lamprecht
- Doctor of Medicine, Medical University of Vienna 2010
- Internal Medicine residency at LK Mistelbach, Department of Internal Medicine II,
2011-2017 - Gastroenterology specialty training at LK Mistelbach, Department of Internal Medicine II, 2017-2019
- Senior Physician at LK Mistelbach, Department for Internal Medizine II, with focus on endoscopy, IBD, liver diseases and diabetes, since 2017
Internist and Gastroenterologist at the Group Practice, since 2020
Dr. med. univ. Valentin Leibetseder
- Doctor of Medicine at the Med. Univ. Vienna, 1993
- Clinical appointment in Klagenfurt, Carinthia, General Practitioner 1993
- Exercise Physiology Residency at the Med. Univ. Vienna, Specialist in Exc. Physiology, 2005
- Senior Physician at the Dept. of Physiology, Med. Univ. Vienna
- Internal Residency at the Hospital of St. John of God Vienna, Specialist for Internal Medicine, 2008-2014
- Senior Physician at the Dept. of Internal Medicine I, LK Stockerau (core area Diabetes mellitus), since 2015
- Internist at the Group Practice, since 2019 (part-time)
- Diplomas of the Austrian Medical Association for Sports Medicine, Emergency Physician, Echocardiography, Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Diploma of Performance in Transverse Flute at the Univ. of Music and Perf. Arts Vienna 1990
- Lector at the Univ. of Music a. Perf. Arts Vienna
- Hobby: Flying
Dr. Robert Bazant
- Doctor of Medicine, University of Vienna, 2008
- Clinical appointment at Heeresspital Stammerdorf, Lorenz Böhler Unfallkrankenhaus, Klinik Bad Pirawarth, Krankenhaus Floridsdorf, Krankenhaus Krems and Ordination Gesund Wachsen, April 2009 – February 2012 and September 2017 – January 2019
- Internal Medicine Specialist, March 2017: Internal Medicine Residency at the Medical Centre Krankenhaus Floridsdorf
- Licenced General Practitioner , January 2019
- Senior Physician in the central emergency department at Krankenhaus Nord since March 2017
- Internist at the Group Practice at the Medical Centre Krankenhaus Nord, since June 2018